

Where Did Halloween Come From?

Halloween originally started with the Celtic's 2,000 years ago in today's Ireland. They celebrated New Years on November 1st and strictly believed that the day before the long winter started, on October 31st, the lines between the underworld and the real world blur. They believed that during this day ghosts of the dead would begin to roam the Earth so to counteract this they would make big bonfires and sacrifice foods to appease deities to protect them. They also wore costumes. This day was called Samhain! Eventually, though, the Romans would overthrow the Celtics and adopt the tradition by mixing it with their own festivals celebrating the dead that took place around the same time.

How did Halloween Come to the US?

Halloween for the most part in the beginning was only celebrated by English colonies after bringing it over from Europe. As time went by however and we started to mesh cultures with native americans did Halloween become what we know it is now. The very first celebrations were called "play parties", which were public events made to celebrate the harvest of the season. While seasonal festivities were common and celebrated widely it still wasn't considered "Halloween" around the 1800s when Halloween started to become a more community-based activity than witchcraft or ghosts. As we borrowed more and more traditions from the Europeans we eventually also picked up the idea of dressing up in costumes for Halloween. Trick-or-treating started when younger children would dress up and go to knock on doors to ask for food or money. Younger women also believed they could enchant or divine the names of their future husbands on Halloween using mirrors and yarn tricks. By the 1920s ad 1930s Halloween really solidified itself as a community-driven activity while also remaining a bit religious. Trick-or-treating also became a popular Halloween pastime in the 1920s-1950s.

How People Celebrate Halloween in Other Countries

Halloween began in Ireland, it's no wonder that the Emerald Isle is the only site outside of North America where you'll find a variety of activities to celebrate All Hallows' Eve. While trick-or-treating, carving pumpkins and dressing up as ghouls and goblins are all popular Halloween activities, there are a few Irish traditions that haven't made it across the Atlantic. Consumption of barmbrack (a traditional fruitcake), lighting bonfires, and launching fireworks are among them. Special activities are staged throughout the island, including Derry's massive Banks of the Foyle Halloween Carnival.

Japan: In Japan, They celebrate Halloween by doing street parties in which they put on costumes of their desire and celebrate it in the early hours. Mostly around the Morning!

Halloween in Japan.

Mexico: In Mexico, They celebrate it by dressing in their costumes, and go trick or treating to other people's homes to recieve some yummy candy ! Paper wreaths and flowers are sold to also the day of the dead, which they celebrate early for the people who passed away.

Halloween in Mexico.

Germany: How people celebrate in Germany, they dress in their favorite costumes and go to costume parties!

Halloween in Germany.

Canada: In Canada, they celebrate it by watching a lot of horror films and also dressing in their costumes and going trick or treating!

Halloween in canada.

Our Opinion on Halloween

Cris: My opinion on Halloween is that I really enjoy it. I always have a good time when it comes to Halloween because I get to be with family a day before Halloween and then the day of Halloween I go with my friends and we usually do pretty fun stuff. Lately Halloween hasn't been the same though I wasn't really into buying a costume or going trick or treating this year I maily just did stuff I enjoy being with the people I enjoy being with.

Raul: My opinion on Halloween is that I enjoy it because it brings happiness and joy to kids, and I enjoy seeing people dressed up since there are so many different costumes and ideas out there. I also dislike Halloween because it is a day when children can get large amounts of candy and consume them all in one day, which can be harmful for their teeth. This means the dentist would have more work for them next month.

Monica: Halloween is actually my absolutely favorite holiday of the entire year not even Christmas can beat it. I don't really like autumn or cold weather but the reason I really like Halloween is because of the free candy and the costumes. I think that the costumes add a fun fantasy aspect to halloween that sometimes I think about my costume nearly four months ahead of time. The candy on the other had adds some excitement to it because who doesn't like candy?

Kim: My Opinion for Halloween is actually that I really love it. You can recieve a lot of candy and you could eat as much candy as you want (well..somewhat) But still, I really like it. Halloween is actually one of my most favorite holidays. I like how you can get to wear costumes and people won't call you weird for it (I hope). But overall, I really love Halloween !

Scary Eyes